Chris Klonoski

An insightful, generous, soul-level writer, strategist, wordsmith, intrinsic marketer and thought leader, Chris is above all one of the best listeners we know. She is able to sift through the words and find those that are most true – or most telling – and get curious. Her questions are the wellsprings of inspiration and authenticity for our clients (and for us, truth be told).

Chris believes in truth and beauty – and how you cannot have one without the other. She is loyal, supportive, funny and challenging in all the right ways. She helps us be who we are at Root + River and she helps our clients bring their souls to flight in the world as she holds the space for them to bravely search themselves to find the language that resonates inside.

With a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from University of Arizona and 30+ years of serious credentials in politics, public relations, community outreach, marketing, strategy, writing, editing and design direction, Chris is one of our essential roots and a deep eddy in our river.

As an only child, she deeply reveres her friendships. If she invites you to dinner, go. For one, she can talk backwards – and does there need to be a follow up to that?