• March 15, 2021
  • Jennifer Lawhead

The Power of a Make-It-Real Branding Moment

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By Jennifer LawheadAny business can brand themselves. But being an intrinsic brand requires intentionality, a willingness to go inward and the courage to tell meaningful stories. Sounds easy, right? Not so …

  • February 12, 2021

Your Story Is Lost Without Intentionality

By Jennifer Lawhead You may be telling your story, but are you telling it on purpose? We have a client who spent months crafting and fine tuning his origin story. …

  • January 25, 2021

What Amanda Gorman Taught Us About Storytelling

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By Jennifer Lawhead If you tuned into Joe Biden’s inauguration, it was impossible not to be talking about Amanda Gorman. In a nation that has been fractured by division and …

  • November 11, 2020

3 Mistakes You Could Be Making When Telling Stories

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By Jennifer Lawhead Telling stories about your brand is easy. But practicing storytelling in a way that perks up the ears of those you want to reach, encourages dynamic dialogue, …

  • October 19, 2020

‘I Thought I Could Do It On My Own’

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By Jennifer Lawhead Branding was always something I didn’t feel like I needed help with,” our client Sonya Stattmann recalled. “But I started to realize there was misalignment with who …

Jennifer Stevens
  • September 21, 2020

The Evolution of a Growing Mission-Based Brand

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By Jennifer Lawhead Jennifer Stevens built her company, JHL, around her own credibility and reputation. Jennifer was the brand.  Her public relations client list grew as she landed high-value media …

  • August 21, 2020

3 Unexpected Ways to Share Your Story

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By Jennifer Lawhead The biggest mistake I see businesses make with storytelling is they put it in a box. That box is assigned to the marketing team where they are …

  • July 22, 2020

When You Brand from Your Beliefs, Marketing Execution Reveals Itself

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Sara Hertrampf, Sales & Marketing Manager, looked around in amazement at a packed house in October 2019. Filling the Alpine Communications event were business owners, community leaders and economic development …

  • June 24, 2020

Doers v. Thinkers

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By Cat Weise Freshmen year in college, I lived on the same floor with a bunch a young, smart women. One decided she had a new theory about the world as …

  • May 28, 2020

How Branding Led to a $8M Revenue Increase

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By Jennifer Lawhead We always say, “a strong brand solves a thousand business problems.” When a business moves away from obsessing about bottom lines, profitability and ROI, and instead adopts …

Standards of Branding
  • May 04, 2020

Why Branding Matters in the Face of the Unthinkable

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By Jennifer Lawhead It wasn’t their first rodeo, but in terms of cancelling, it was definitely their first rodeo. In the first weeks of March 2020, as the nation was …

  • January 14, 2020

Vision is a marriage, not a hookup

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By Emily Soccorsy + Justin Foster You always have to know more about where your brand is going than the marketplace. This is the role of vision for your brand. …