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On Thursday, May 6 we will have the pleasure of interviewing Kelly Campbell and Tracy Yates, co-founders of Consciousness Leaders, and marketing leaders in their own right. All are welcome to join the discussion! Here is a sneak peak into the minds and hearts of both of these incredible leaders.

Q: Who are you and what do you do?

TY: I’m Tracy Yates.  I am the co-founder of Consciousness Leaders, a globally curated collective of conscious experts for evolving organizations. I am the founder of Mindway, focused on building a community of highly aware individuals and organizations to feel, think and act with greater curiosity and connection to their soul. And, I am the Founder of Boost Experiential, an award winning marketing agency that connects brands with their ideal customers. (Just a few jobs!).

KC: I’m Kelly Campbell, co-founder of Consciousness Leaders. I am the former owner of a cause marketing agency, which I sold in 2016—and have been consulting and coaching creative and technology leaders ever since, as a Conscious Leadership Coach. I’m also the host of THRIVE: Your Agency Resource, a biweekly video podcast, sponsored by Workamajig, for agency owners interested in the nexus of conscious leadership and agency growth. Fun fact: I’m in the process of writing my first book, on redefining leadership as a healing journey.

Q: What do you love about marketing and communications?

TY: That a curated, honed message coupled with heart can start a movement.

KC: I love creating messaging that resonates from a positioning standpoint and evokes emotion instantaneously.

Q: What do you loathe about marketing and communications?

TY: The inauthenticity that much of the existing marketing ecosystem has been built upon.

KC: The veneer of PR and the safety of marketing templatization.

Q: What’s one thing you’d like leaders to understand better about marketing and communications?

TY: The veil has been lifted. Your audience has a BS detector, it’s no longer enough to follow the old playbook. Loyalty stems from purposeful connection and deeper meaning, not just from pretty, inspiring creative.

KC: Leaders have an incredible responsibility to not only communicate the values of their organizations, but to convey their own personal values by setting an example every single day. Marketing and communications must be both in integrity and consistent, or they will no longer be effective.

Q: What’s one thing you wish leaders would forget about marketing and communication?

TY: Influencers! Has anyone seen Fake Famous? I understand that’s a current pipe dream, but at least choose your partners based on their true values — not just what’s presented on screen.

KC: Vanity metrics and focusing on short-term ROI. The former mean nothing, and the latter is not only short-sighted, it also devalues the breadth of opportunity that authentic marketing can create.

Q: What has been your biggest mistake in your career? Lessons from that?

TY: I was recruited into Corporate America by a previous client and made the decision to take the leap based during the recession and scarcity. I knew it was the wrong move day 1 (literally). I lasted 8 months. So, I learned the hard lesson about not trusting my intuition — but also that I am a serial entrepreneur.

KC: If I had to revisit the sale of my digital marketing agency, I would have preferred to  slow down, to have taken my time in ensuring that the values between my firm and those of the acquiring firm were more aligned. I don’t consider it a mistake because everyone under my care leveled up into new roles as a result, and I was called to grow both personally and professionally.

Q: What has been the most satisfying victory in your career? Lessons from that?

TY: Leading with integrity and authenticity. While this doesn’t always win in the beginning (agency life is competitive) it does lead to strong, long term relationships and a highly trusted reputation.

KC: I’m not sure I would categorize it as a victory per se, but launching Consciousness Leaders has been one of the most rewarding ventures of my career—mostly because I’m trusting my instincts, I didn’t feel the need to go it alone or prove anything to anyone, and at every juncture, decisions are being made with care, consideration and without fear or urgency. It all feels more aligned than anything I’ve done to-date.

Q: What are you reading or listening to (podcasts or audiobooks) right now that you would recommend? 

TY: Honestly, with my three businesses, any free time is spent in nature, my family and my intuitive practice. But, on the off chance I have extra time I will listen to audio books or podcasts about unsolved mysteries because I like to test my intuition and figure out what’s happening behind the scenes.

KC: I have a ridiculously large (and growing) pile of books on conscious leadership to digest; from there, I especially love “Becoming a Conscious Leader” by Gina Hayden. In terms of pods, I like Dare to Lead with Brené Brown and Work Life with Adam Grant (from TED). And I’m reading/listening to “Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender” by David R. Hawkins and “Lincoln in the Bardo” by George Saunders on Audible. (There was also recently a great NY Times podcast, The Ezra Klein Show, where Ezra interviewed George Saunders on the kindness and the similarities between writing fiction and meditating.)

Tune in to our Being Marketers webcast to hear more from Kelly and Tracy!

Let’s Talk!