Your Story Is Lost Without Intentionality
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Story
By Jennifer Lawhead You may be telling your story, but are you telling it on purpose? We have a client who spent months crafting and fine tuning his origin story. …
Wrecking The Most Common and Detrimental Mistake in Branding
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Marketing
Originally shared on Emily’s LinkedIn As tribal beings we will always be inclined to belong. It’s a natural and hard-wired tendency that our forebears relied upon for survival. It came …
Why You Sound Like Everyone Else
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Marketing
As the people in charge of our brands, we want to stand out. We want our voices to rise above the lesser operators, the people who give our industry a …
Slow Down to Speed Up
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Marketing
As a director of marketing, you’ve become friends with timelines and time management, buddies with bandwidth. Even if the leadership team loves your ideas and encourages you to execute, they …
The Unstoppable Power of an Aligned CEO and CMO
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Marketing
In our work with mission-based leaders, there is one factor above all others that leads to successful brand differentiation. That factor doesn’t involve SEO or PPC. It’s not the best …
Planning for 2021 is foolish: Question instead
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Marketing
A plan is a method for achieving an end, so says Merriam-Webster. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that relying too heavily on the solidity of your plans is …
Bored of Marketing? Have More Fun! An Interview with Misty Megia
Filed Under: Intrinsic Branding
Q: Who are you and what do you do? I am Misty Megia, I am a CEO/Creative Producer and Business Strategist. Q: Do you have any nicknames you care to …
Branding is Still a Performance
Filed Under: Intrinsic Branding
Authenticity. Vulnerability. Transparency. Being more human. These are the standards of a modern brand. Branding is still a performance, and a powerful one. But it’s not a performance built on …
Why We Always ‘Love Them Where They’re At’
Filed Under: Intrinsic Branding
“I haven’t made any progress since we last met,” a former client said to us when she came to a recent Root + River event. Her shoulders lowered slightly …
Mission Statements Suck
Filed Under: Intrinsic Branding
They don’t suck because they are a bad idea or because they don’t carry within them sound notions around why you are doing what you do. They suck because they …
An Intrinsic Brander’s Guide to Honing Yearly Intentions
Filed Under: Intrinsic Branding
By Jennifer Lawhead When we set goals, we don’t create them in a boardroom. Or in a formal meeting. Or a Zoom call. Or in a fancy document with KPIs …
How Do I Do Big Marketing With A Small Team?
Filed Under: 21st Century Branding, Beliefs-Based Branding, Intrinsic Branding, Leadership, Marketing, Social Media, Story, Team
As the director of marketing, you are one person. You are one person who acts as the chief mouthpiece, the brilliant broadcaster and the tenacious town crier for your big …