• December 13, 2019

How Do I Do Big Marketing With A Small Team?

As the director of marketing, you are one person. You are one person who acts as the chief mouthpiece, the brilliant broadcaster and the tenacious town crier for your big …

  • January 10, 2019

Branding happens in moments

By Emily Soccorsy and Justin Foster A brand doesn’t magically appear. A logo might. But not a brand. Brands are really deeply seeded ideas, so they take time to formulate …

Director of Marketing Nothing
  • November 02, 2018

You’re in charge of marketing, right? No. You’re not.

There’s this paradox about being responsible for the marketing of an organization: You are “in charge” of the brand and at the same time, you are not in charge of …

In the New Year we resolve
  • December 28, 2017

A Very Different Kind of New Year’s Resolution…

New Year’s resolutions are lame.  For the most part, anyway. They are generally some in-the-moment super important idea abandoned as quickly as a battery-less toy on Christmas morning. But setting …

Treion Muller
  • November 21, 2017

Synthesis Episode 1: Why Digital Learning Still a Mystery to So Many

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EPISODE 1: Treion Muller and Digital Transformation LISTEN HERE Synthesis is a Root + River hosted webcast featuring nonconformist leaders whose ideas make them — and us — see the …

Giving away something priceless
  • November 05, 2017

How do I monetize my talents?

Hi Hurray! You’ve realized we’re not just nutty spiritualists waiting for the clouds to part and money to fall like a tender rain. We are unabashed capitalists. Free marketeers. Supporters …

Hold this Position
  • October 13, 2017

How do we create a market position?

Editor’s Note: As we move into the last two seasons of the year, we are answering questions people have repeatedly asked us about branding and marketing. Like “authenticity,” “story” and …

drawing of woman
  • October 09, 2017

Who the heck is my target audience?

Editor’s Note: As we move into the last two seasons of the year, we are answering questions people have repeatedly asked us about branding and marketing. Let’s start with this …

  • October 02, 2017

Change: Why Not Love It?

Leaders who have yet to embrace change are at a distinct disadvantage. Those who fear change they do not understand very well may be opting out of modern business. Read: …

Why is marketing so overwhelming?
  • September 29, 2017

Why is marketing so overwhelming?

Editor’s Note: As we move into the last two seasons of the year, we are answering questions people have repeatedly asked us about branding and marketing. Marketing is overwhelming. What …

Emily on Inner Work
  • September 22, 2017

Inner Work: A Crucial Building Block for Modern-Day Brands

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We often say, “start at the root.” When a leader looks inward to build their brand, he or she is doing the work that most haven’t dared to do. By …

Mission Possible Pin
  • June 28, 2017

How Being Mission-centric Drives Your Brand: What Zuckerberg Knows

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Three Vital Foundations of Your Brand By Emily Soccorsy A few days ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook had, for the first time in its short and meteoric history, …